Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Mengintegrasikan Materi Etos Kerja di Dunia Kerja: Studi Kualitatif di SMK Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya
This paper examines the strategies employed in Islamic religious education to incorporate work ethic content in the context of the professional world. The study is a descriptive qualitative research conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya. The objective of this research is to ascertain the design, execution, assessment, and influence of different learning strategies. This study employed a qualitative-descriptive approach, incorporating participatory observation and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders such as the Deputy Head of Curriculum for Student Affairs and Public Relations, Islamic religious education teachers, students, and teaching factory managers. Additionally, an analysis of relevant curriculum documents and learning materials was conducted. The data was examined using a qualitative methodology that focused on identifying thematic patterns derived from interviews and observations. The research findings on learning strategies for Islamic Religious Education at Tasikmalaya State Vocational High School 1 can be summarized as follows: In the planning phase, the school facilitates teachers to align their learning materials with industry standards in order to identify the industry's requirements in the job market. Furthermore, the acquisition of knowledge occurs through a blend of didactic approaches, collaborative dialogues, examination of real-life scenarios, and emulations of professional environments within an educational facility. Furthermore, assessment is conducted both formatively and summatively through a project, which includes evaluating individual and group outcomes as well as engaging in collective reflection. Furthermore, the efficacy of this pedagogical approach is shown in its ability to enhance students' comprehension of work ethic principles and their preparedness to confront the professional realm. Students exhibit a noticeable growth in their attitudes towards professionalism, responsibility, teamwork, and personal initiative.
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