Critical Thinking and Attitude in Islamic Education: A Literature Review
This article seeks to examine the pivotal role of Islamic education in addressing and reacting to the issues of cultivating critical thinking and critical attitudes. This study used a literature review methodology, which entails the investigation, synthesis, and evaluation of existing literature to address research questions or get a comprehensive understanding of a topic. This essay conducts a thorough examination of the current literature to gain a comprehensive knowledge of how Islamic education can effectively equip Muslim individuals to navigate the dynamic world. This literature study delineates several aspects that foster the development of critical thinking and critical attitudes in Islamic education, encompassing the influence of digital technology, the dynamics of globalization, and developing societal concerns. This article offers several ideas derived from the examined literature to tackle these difficulties and guarantee that Islamic education continues to be pertinent and effective in fostering critical thinking and attitudes necessary to confront evolving circumstances. This article aims to significantly contribute to the advancement of quality Islamic education capable of addressing the complexities of the current period.
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