Application of Multiple Intelligences in Learning: An Islamic Educational Perspective
This article elaborates on the concept of multiple intelligences from an Islamic education perspective. This study uses a literature review method, where researchers conduct a study of literature or literature relevant to the concept of multiple intelligences. The results of the research show that the perspective of Islamic education, multiple intelligences have a strong connection between the educational process and multiple intelligences because Islamic education, in the realm of theory, has humanized humans by emphasizing that every human being has their characteristics or potential, which if developed optimally, it will produce advanced, successful and superior humans. Humans with superior abilities can use them for the benefit of the populace. It is by the multiple intelligence perspective, which states that every human being is intelligent and no human being is stupid because every human has nine intelligence categories. Which type of intelligence will develop optimally depends on a person's innate abilities, and the methods or approaches used in education must be appropriate to that type of intelligence. Many contemporary alternative learning models can be applied to maximize students' intelligence in an Islamic education environment.
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